- None
- OpenShiftのResource requestとlimit - nekop’s blog
- https://nekop.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/12/20/182523
- 空いているCPUが他のPodに利用されていても、requests.cpuが指定されているPodがCPUを使おうとすればもちろんrequests.cpu分は優先してそちらに割り当てられるので、この空いているCPU利用は他のPodで確保されているCPU利用を阻害することはありません。
- Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: cpu time
- Kubernetes best practices: Resource requests and limits | Google Cloud Blog
- https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/kubernetes-best-practices-resource-requests-and-limits
- At this point, Kubernetes goes into something called an “overcommitted state.” Here is where things get interesting. Because CPU can be compressed, Kubernetes will make sure your containers get the CPU they requested and will throttle the rest. Memory cannot be compressed, so Kubernetes needs to start making decisions on what containers to terminate if the Node runs out of memory.
- CPU は requests 分必ず確保し残りはスロットリングさせるらしい, Memory は Eviction させるのかな
- Resource Quality of Service in Kubernetes
- https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/node/resource-qos.md#qos-classes
- ods will not be killed if CPU guarantees cannot be met (for example if system tasks or daemons take up lots of CPU), they will be temporarily throttled.
- cgroup の cpu.shares を検証した