Diary None Note Monoliths are the future |> News and podcasts for developers |> Changelog https://changelog.com/posts/monoliths-are-the-future https://twitter.com/bibryam/status/1224361240560066569 “Now you went from writing bad code to building bad infrastructure that you
Diary I presented at the Kubernetes Japan community event 🥳 https://speakerdeck.com/daikurosawa/leader-election-in-kubernetes-number-k8sjp Note Lease API が生えてた https://twitter.com/superbrothers/status/1222493736912818177 ほんとにすみませんで
Diary None Note Go 1.13.7 and 1.12.16 have been released! https://twitter.com/golang/status/1222208449347538945 Proposals for Go 1.15 https://twitter.com/golang/status/1222242114504994817 でかい変更はいらなさそう Mac の
Diary My Pull Request to Argo CD repo has been merged 🥳 https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/pull/3031 Note uber-go/automaxprocs: Automatically set GOMAXPROCS to match Linux container CPU quota. https://github.com/uber-go/automaxprocs 便利そう SLO